I'm grateful beyond words that I'm doing well after my initial cancer diagnosis last August 2019. I know cancer can come back and I'm optimistic I can remain cancer free going forward. I still have issues that I need to overcome to lessen chances for a resurgence; I'm dealing with those and will have to document when I have actually quit tobacco and alcohol and gone to 80% plant based diet. I am close but not there yet. I still have to get this ostomy reversal surgery done so I can begin my personal fitness in earnest.
Time just keeps creeping though. Any other year and you look back and say where has the time gone. Not 2020...seconds, minutes, hours and days are all somehow stretching out this year. Seems like everyday is negative in this covid world. Just getting some thoughts off my chest. Hard to focus! I have a lot to do; yet, I can't seem to get on a path to taking those first steps.
The world is changing or at least is pausing until we get a vaccine and maybe a cure or other effective treatment for COVID. The US has so much we can be better at as a nation. Police brutality and racism is not new for me or any other black person of my age (51). I've dealt with it my whole life and don't see that changing regardless of what is going on with all the protest. Read history and we have been here before. Many times in virtually every decade since the end of the Civil War there have been movements to try and make things better for black americans. I'm not optimistic!
I want to be; I just can't deny history and the failings of human beings throughout history.
There is a book called Eye of the Spirit by Ken Wilbur (will correct later if wrong). Talks about the hierarchical nature of being. There is one whole that builds upon itself; evolving ever more. Part of that whole or holarchy is the stimuli that created what manifest as racism. In order to remove this from the human experience you would have to have a way to go in to the whole of a person and remove those strands of hate and racism that were experienced or taught. This is not possible in a human. Even if a person; on a strictly personal level doesn't hate blacks, asians, latinos or any other person of color. It does not matter because the imprint of the whole of their learning; conscious or unconscious it part of their DNA. To remove it in the future would require us to take our knowledge of technology and create a merged race of humans and androids and then have a program or applications that targets the strands of human DNA that are flawed by experience and erase hate strands and replace them with empathy, tolerance and shared learning to observe the positive and build up and nurture those positive experiences.
We must engage what we have learned to be right through our collective experience. This is a quote I love. If we don't get better by understanding what we have done wrong in the past then we are like the Churchmen in antiquity that refused to follow Galileo's learning and the look through the telescope.